Laptops For Kids

School closures and isolating during the pandemic are causing lots of problems for our children's education. That's why The Property Hive supports a great initiative to provide kids in Doncaster with laptops to help them continue their education.

School closures and isolating during the pandemic are causing lots of problems for our children's education.  For many in Doncaster, this is almost impossible due to a lack of equipment needed to access remote learning.  

That's why The Property Hive supports a great initiative to provide kids in Doncaster with laptops to help them continue their education whilst schools are closed. And you can help too.

If you have an unused laptop, desktop or tablet computer. You can donate it to enable a child to access remote learning.  All equipment received will be securely erased before it is recycled for use.

Alternatively, you can make a small financial donation to allow new and recycled equipment to be purchased for a child.

Donate a laptop. It's as easy as 123

Donate a device

Just follow the following simple steps to help Doncaster's kids receive the education they desperately deserve:

  1. Check the device you want to donate meets the minimum specification needed here.
  2. Send an email to to record your donated device.
  3. Drop off the device at our offices: The Property Hive, 33 Nostell Place, Bessacarr, Doncaster, DN4 7JA.

The device will then be securely erased and recycled for use before being issued to a child to help them to access remote learning and prevent kids in our community from falling behind.

Donate to help purchase equipment.

Donate money

Don't worry if you don't have a device to give.  You can still do amazing work to help educate Doncaster kids by making a small financial donation that will allow new and recycled devices to be supplied to those in need.  Without this many kids in Doncaster are at risk of missing out due to the impacts of the virus.

Further information about the Laptops For Kids campaign can be found here.  Schools and parents in Doncaster looking for support with devices should reach out to

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