It’s important to remember when selling your home that potential buyers are likely to drive by to check the place out, so it’s vital to give your property “kerb appeal”.
First impressions matter. Whether your prospective buyer is browsing photos while searching online or driving around the neighbourhood, the first thing they will usually see is the front door and outside.
If this first glimpse isn’t favourable you’ve probably lost the sale there and then.
So as you get ready to put your property on the market – and before your agent takes those all-important photos – follow our top tips to give your home instant kerb appeal.
Get instant kerb appeal
None of these jobs should take more than half a day or so unless you have a very large property. And some considerably less. It will be time well spent.
Remove any clutter
It doesn’t have to be anything as obvious as old appliances waiting to go to the tip. Remove anything that’s cluttering up your front garden. Dead hanging baskets. Kid’s toys. Empty plant pots. Garden gnomes (sorry!).
Hide the bins
We all need them but we don’t want to see them. Stick the bins round the back if you possibly can.
Wash the windows and door
You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes having clean glass, door and frames.
Tidy the garden
Now is the time to find your green fingers. Mow the grass, cut back overgrown hedges and branches and dead-head any plants that need it.
Freshen Up fences
Wooden fences and gates can look tired very quickly. Give yours a fresh coat of preservative or wood stain. And if you have metalwork then remove any trace of rust and give them a fresh coat of paint.
Weed paths and driveways
Untidy paths and drives give your whole property an uncared for look that’s really off-putting. Remove any weeds and even better, give brickwork or tarmac a good jet wash.
Make sure your car looks clean and well kept
Your agent will suggest moving cars off the driveway before photos are taken. But you never know when potential buyers might be scouting out the neighbourhood. A dented and dirty vehicle won’t give the right impression.
Remove any notices/posters from windows and doors
Take down the handwritten “No Cold Callers” notice and any other signs or posters. Apart from looking messy your potential buyers may not share your views/football team.
Give your front door a facelift
Fit some smart new door furniture for an instant lift to your front door. Or give existing handles and knockers a good polish.
Stick a pot plant by the door
A smart pot and a nice green plant adds a touch of class and gives your frontage an instant lift.
Not so quick – but important
The above tips are great for a cosmetic lift, but they won’t help if you haven’t dealt with the basics.
A coat of paint
Make sure all your exterior paintwork is in good order. Flakes and stains will make the whole property look shabby. Pay particular attention to your front door. It needs to look smart and welcoming.
The neighbouring properties.
This can be a tricky one. But if the house next door looks a mess this can impact on your sale. Is there anything you could do to help without causing offence? It could be tidying the garden for an elderly neighbour or offering to take clutter to the tip for a busy family.
Are you looking to sell your property in Doncaster? We can help you get a quick sale and a great price. Give us a buzz on 01302 247754 or email us at: